Is the 700 Profit Club a scam?

Company: 700 Profit Club100% scam


Owner: Unknown

Rating: 0/100


I visited their website to get to know who they are and what they do and the first thing I see is that there is only a home page and nothing else. Their first sentence says: the 700 profit club is a simple to use system that helps you generate a passive income online. They go on to say that their way is the best way and it promises to make you $700 (hence the 700 in the title) richer every day as soon as you have completed the set-up of their system, which they claim you can do in five minutes. Wow, I do want to read more about this!

Maybe you saw my rating already, but if you want a really scam free once in a lifetime opportunity at your own internet business, then check out the end of this article!

How to join the 700ProfitClub?

This should be the easy part, don’t you think? After all in seconds you will see that there are about 4 icons to click within the first few paragraphs of their page. I have not pushed any of these for fear of what is going to happen. But how to joinhold on, there is a warning at the top of the website: “Due to increased demand for our system we cannot guarantee spots. As of today we currently have spots available. So hurry up and sign-up today!” 

Popular program?

I have personally seen this kind of “encouragement” in many of these websites and the only thing they are trying to achieve is to have you believe this program is very popular. Check back one week later and you will receive the same urgent message.

This is how

Furthermore you will need to watch their sales pitch, before you will receive a set amount of time to secure your slot for free. Once you have completed this you will gain access to hosting plans only available to members. Supposedly you then have to create a website through the 700profit club system and then wait for the traffic to come. Seriously? Nothing is said about how to get this website, what type, what you will be doing, how to monitize it etc. But they conclude that this is how you are going to make money with them. How they arrive at this conclusion beats me as it is nowhere substantiated. In fact, this should cause anybody to seriously question the credibility of this site already.

What does the 700 Profit Club cost you?

The club claims that your membership fee per month is $4.95, for which you will be entitled to this website. On the face of it this looks extremely cheap, if this includes hosting, SEO, security etc. If you are to eager and quick to sign-up, you might miss that you will be on a 3-year billing cycle. They will bill you scamfor the next three years for an amount of $500, but generously give you a discount of 50%. Your bill will still total $250 and you still do not know what you will get.

Why not monthly?

I find it ridiculous and even suspicious you’re not allowed to pay monthly installments as most normal hosting providers allow. How do you know if this website they give you will make the money that they claim it will?

Special websites

Oh, that is why they also sell some special websites, which are going to really make you money. It is a bargain for only $2,000 – $5,000!? In reality this is an insane amount for any website. The hosting website they are promoting is called Cool Handle. Of course they claim Cool Handle offers the best of the best in terms of services. My opinion is that these websites have no real value besides their design. If a website doesn’t bring in traffic, it’s pretty much worthless.

Why join the 700 Profit Club?

As if they are asking themselves the same on their credibility or need to be convincing themselves, they spend a few lines on why you should join them. The answer is simple: the possibilities are endless and it is one of the best ways to make money online. Moreover, you can leave the system on auto-pilot and it will generate money by itself. Here they seem to suggest that you can sit back, relax and the money will roll in.

Daily earnings

They then realize that this might look a bit ridiculous and add that the system works when you put in time and effort. They go as far as to say that you do not need a full-time job, as long as you set it up right.  By the way, there is no why would you join?explanation as to how to set it up right, nor any indication that they will teach you how to do that. They then claim again that earning $700 a day is entirely within the possibilities, but fail to inform you why it is $700 and not another amount or any amount at all.

Poor information

And then there is another warning: do not leave your job before you are able to fully commit to 700 Profit Club. The reason, they admit, is that it takes time, money and effort, something that was totally discarded in their sales pitch before, to build a business, any business. But hey, they go on to say, it takes only a little time and effort and you should be patient. No talk of money anymore? Here they fail to inform you how much time it will take to reach the $700 a day, if at all!

What is the 700 Profit Club really?

All things considered I think that the 700 profit club is just a sales funnel and/or associate for Cool Handle. The whole “system” is designed to get more people to buy website hosting services through Cool handle. The people behind it all are just interested in getting you to buy a hosting package so that they can earn money off of you, because when you buy in, they get paid a commission. That’s right, the service is not for free. In fact, it is ridiculously expensive when compared to other hosting companies. Hosting is a necessity when it comes to having a website. You can’t have a website online without it. So you may think that them referring you to Coolhandle is a harmless part of the process, but its not.

Conclusion + My Recommendation 

In summary the 700 Profit Club website is purporting to give you an almost free website of your own, within days making you $700 a day. No substantiation is given on how you are going to achieve this. It turns out that you can only sign-up for extended periods of time, which will make it quite expensive.

Going in a bit deeper into the matter, it appears that this site is more likely a front for a hosting service called Coolhandle, which will try selling you websites for outrageous amounts of money. How these websites will make you the money is also not within the realm of their website contents. 

Any support?

As you might have noticed I have not addressed the subject of customer service or support. This is because it is non-existent. Needles to say that this club and its program is a scam!

The fact you have been here reading this review might mean that you are looking to make scam free money online. If you are willing to review this program, then you also might want to check-out Wealthy Affiliate, the world’s number one and scam free internet support program. Established in 2005 it will offer you the best training and support for a very reasonable price. Moreover, you can join them for FREE for one week and experience the program first hand. Use my link in the review below to do so!

Wealthy Affiliate

awesome training

The basics of this learning system is affiliate marketing, for which you will need a website and traffic to it in order to make money. When you join you will have a website in no time and will teach you how to go on from there. I have described their way of working in detail in my personal review here. It contains a link with which you can have the first week for free!

So, if you are really interested in becoming your own boss, having your own business and be working from the comfort of your home, just read my review or leave the questions you have in the comment box and I will be back to you within 24 hours.


2 thoughts on “Is the 700 Profit Club a scam?”

  1. I got a bit shocked when I saw you gave it a score of 0/100. But then, after reading the entire article, I concluded that you are indeed right for give that terrible score. I really suspect 700 Profit Club is a scam and must be avoided. I just wish my social media followers ask me first for advice if it happen they see this online before shelling out money. We’re glad we have here Wealthy Affiliate, a really good alternative to joining questionable sites like 700 Profit Club.

    By the way, I’d like to ask… How did you learn about 700 Profit Club? Did you buy in or join this company?

    • Yes, this is the lowest score possible. When going through their website I started wondering whether they would have any members at all. I guess some people are really desperate, but I can only hope that before joining they do some research first. Consequently, I did not join this club. It is sites like that give me the names of all these scams.


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