Hello everybody, I am Jerry, born in good old The Netherlands in 1955. Up to the end of 2014, I have been working for various multinationals in Holland and Thailand. I started my first job in 1978 and consequently, you can see that I have a lot of active years under my belt, the last twelve of which I have spent in a host of senior management functions.
The main focus in my positions has always been the customer, having been responsible for Commercial, Sales and Marketing, Logistics, Customer Support and Contract Management. My experience in dealings with Human Resources (HR) and HR matters is 40-year long!
Disgruntled employees
Like everybody else, some jobs I really liked and some I very much hated. What do you do when you hate your job and or your bosses? This site wants to give support to disgruntled employees or persons who hate their bosses or just do not want to work 9-5 jobs anymore. Find out how you can defeat your boss or beat him by working from home, which also applies to anybody unemployed or threatened to become unemployed. I now have some sections dedicated to the problems that women encounter in the workplace.
Over 50-year-olds
Because I think that you are in a special class of your own, I have published a number of articles about over 50-year-olds. Among them are: how still to get a job, developing a career, and many more.
Retirees and the unemployed will also find a lot in here that can help them.
If you recognize this, then this site is for you.
If any one or more of the following situations arise, then you might not be the boss’s favorite and you have to start thinking out of the box:
Your boss compliments you but says you are still too young for promotion.
Your boss compliments you but says you are too old for promotion.
A younger person is promoted and your boss asks you to keep an eye on the newly promoted.
His/her arm is around your shoulder when they want something outlandish and certainly not paid for.
You are sent to HR for help!
Your boss’s orders are ambiguous and vague.
Your boss intentionally treats you differently (not as well) as others.
They are spending way too much time on your performance appraisal.
These might not be reasons for dismissal in themselves, but they will give you an indication that something is amiss.
During all these years working for somebody else, I have encountered a whole spectrum of bosses, from small, fat, large, thin, good, bad, weak, strong, leaders, managers, and all of their tricks to keep them in a good position and you in a less favorable situation. Believe me, I have had my share of dismal figures, sickening cronyism, and all the negatives that can come with being a loyal, hard-working employee for years.
I have always tried to remain myself under any circumstances. I do not talk bullshit and I certainly do not like being bullshitted to, by anyone including the whole bunch of so-called bosses that I experienced in the previous 36 years. Also, I would be ashamed to sweet talk to any boss as well as I do not like to be sweet talked to.
Good bosses as well
Bearing this in mind, you might find it hard to believe that I survived 37 years in that jungle, but I did, albeit doing it the hard way. Oh, I have had bosses that were highly respectable and role models to anyone in the game, but unfortunately, these were very few. I guess I have hugely benefited from those few good ones that were around. In the end, it was my huge experience and the few real leaders that brought me to consulting top management in the last two years of my career.
Human Resources
I have lived and worked in Thailand since 2003, but lately, I have discovered that Thailand is not ready yet for the mature workers market, especially when like me, you are not an engineer, but a more commercially minded person. I found out that very few here are interested in the qualities I represent ( at least not at my age).
To my numerous applications, I received maybe one or two replies, but no invitations, let alone any opportunity at another assignment. So, Human Resources (I hate that name and will handle it later), did not find the time to acknowledge receipt of my application, either in writing or by calling.
You read everywhere that they are too busy sifting through whatever it is they do, have you ever seen an HR person really busy? You can read all about HR here.
Well, certainly I have a future and a working one at that, having started my first own business in late 2014. Of course, there will be people saying that I could have had this earlier, however, I came across maybe the best and honest opportunity at making money online very late in the game.
As an internet marketer, you need to be aware of the many scams that you will meet with on the internet. This is why I am reviewing a number of internet opportunities under project reviews in order to warn you about them.
I was very fortunate to discover scam-free Wealthy Affiliate, which is absolutely the best of its sort. I am building the business for the long term and I can see myself doing this for the next 15-20 years. You can literally work from everywhere, as long as you have a laptop and an internet connection.
What I would like to achieve here
I would like to develop an interactive site for like-minded people that are or have been in trouble with one or more bosses and are looking for a means to hit back at the prevailing management systems. There is the old adage: the boss is always right and will always be protected by his management. But you can still beat them!
Do not let them get to you and in the meantime start preparing your glorious exit, which could be only months away.
I am going to mention a few tricks that bosses have up their sleeves in order to hold you in their grip, without costing too much to the company. If you have fought with your boss, whether you won or lost, just tell us here. All your stories in this respect are welcome here and hopefully, we can learn from each other.
Ultimately I would like all of you to become your own boss!
On my getting started page here I am giving you a way out of your possible misery, by pointing out WA as a means to becoming financially independent. See my review of WA here. In my section product reviews, I will review another such internet “possibilities” and let you know about scams.
I have made a separate section on how to work from home successfully. As successful businesses come with the appropriate tools I have added a section on the best keyword research tool available.
Does this all sound too one-sided and do I imply that there are only bad apples? Certainly not and if you happen to have an excellent boss, you would generally need no help. However, if you are in above mentioned adverse conditions you should get all the help you want. I know that there are a lot of you out there who would love to get back at their boss. Here you can do that in many ways and or by becoming self-employed!
Please leave your comments in the below box and I will get back to you within 24 hours. You can also contact me inside Wealthy Affiliate through my WA profile, which you can reach by clicking here.
Important notice
The recording of the images throughout this site is based on the fair use rule. When you recognize your image and do not see a correct source listing, we would like you to send a correction and we will attribute it to you. If there is an objection to using your image I will delete it.
Hi Jerry!

Great website. Clean, Fresh and Crisp. Good Job.
As for all those people you talked about, I hear ya. For over 20 years I worked for my family. I don’t know which is worse.
I call those “toxic” folks and I run like hell the other direction! Unfortunately, there’s too many of the kind everywhere. Best wishes on your affiliate marketing endeavors. You’re at the right place at the right time. WA rocks!
Yes, that is the right thing to do, run as quick as you can and take care of your health. It is better, under all circumstances, to be your ow boss. And what better support then we get from Wealthy Affiliate.
Very neat website! So I have a good position, dont want to leave what I have worked so hard for to date, but was wrongfully denied a promotion due to favoritism. Even if I hired an attorney, how much would it change things in the end? For instance, I doubt the promotion would be reversed and awarded to me, I doubt the company (more specifically upper management that fostered the favoritism) would admit to their wrongdoings, I doubt they would offer me equivalent opportunity, but I do not doubt they would take offense and in some way retaliate against me. Am I wrong to think this is the real world regarding favoritism and legal challenges? It may be a different story with discrimination against protected classes, but favoritism, seems like an uphill battle with no chance of winning. Whats your thoughts? Thanks.
Thanks for your contribution Mike. I am sorry to see what happened to you. I must say I fully agree with you that you should keep a low profile on this, as you also said that you do not want to leave at this point. And yes, this unfortunately the real world we live in. As a matter of fact I have described favouritism in this article on the same website. I trust that reading it will confirm the position you have taken to be the right one.
Hello there. I’d like to know if the website is still active.
Yes, it is. How can I help you?
Hi Jerry,
Great post. I have a problem with my boiss and am looking for an exit strategy. Coming across your review of Wealthy Affiliate got me quite excited. If it worked for you and thousands of others, then why not? It looks like there are great tools and resources and a really great community. Is that your experience?
I had been searching a long time for financial independence from companies and bosses. So I looked at starting my own business, possibly working from home. Realizing that the internet gives you enormous possibilities I started searching there, but was scared of what I would find and if I could do it then.
Eventually I came to notice Wealthy Affiliate (WA). Their site immediately struck me as professional, but I still needed to know whether I could be scammed or not. There are numerous reviews on WA on the internet, the vast majority of which are positive.
What is their principle? To assist literally everybody who is interested in all possible ways in building your own profitable internet business with affiliate marketing, the basis of which is an internet site (or sites). You will have your basic site in a couple of minutes! They urge you to chose a market niche which comes from your own passions, interests and hobbies, as you would need to be able to write about it on a day to day basis.
Their trainings, chats, q and a sections and in general the community support is the best I have seen and it is 24 hours a day, wherever you are located. And all for a very reasonable price, without nasty up sells. You can join WA for one week for free with absolutely no commitments to try out this unique and maybe life altering possibility. You can read further details in my personal review here. If you have further questions, just put them in the comment sections and I will be happy to answer you within 24 hours.
Hi Jerry, I want to start my own online business too, because I’m tired of working for someone else. Your website is exactly what I need. Tnx.
Hey Guy, thanks for your comment. Keep visiting then because I will add new content very shortly. In the meantime, check out my review on Wealthy Affiliate , which is your best starting point, here. Cheers, Jerry