What are the warning Signs of a Toxic Boss?

signs of a toxic boss

Introduction A toxic boss is someone who misuses his position and the power that this position provides him. Psychological studies focused on work situations indicate that good relationships between colleagues lead to better productivity and more progress. Despite these studies, however, there are still enough bosses who use methods and behavior that are detrimental to … Read more

Types of Leadership Styles – Which one Works Best?

leadership styles

Introduction You have a manager and he has his style, then you have another manager with a completely different style. Confusing sometimes. In this article, I am going to help you distinguish between different types of leadership styles. Nowadays there are three main leadership styles: charismatic/transforming, democratic and autocratic, with each having sub-divisions. I am … Read more

Why Performance Reviews are not Important anymore

Introduction Time-consuming, rigid, bureaucratic, deadly for motivation: the classic evaluation meeting with annual objectives has had its best time. Many employees are not in favor of an annual formal evaluation. Young people, in particular, are of the opinion that this system benefits them hardly anything. Study results This is the conclusion of a recent study … Read more

Performance Appraisals – Why People Hate Them

performance appraisals

Introduction My assertion here is: We should get rid of performance appraisals! And I am going to prove why. Nowhere does negative or constructive criticism appear more frequently than in performance reviews of employees. The prevailing theory is that criticism, which invariably is part of the performance review, will improve the employee’s performance, and in … Read more